Dengan memohon Rahmat dan Ridho Allah SWT,
Kami bermaksud menyelenggarakan resepsi pernikahan kami
Putri Dari Bapak Dilan & Ibu Milea
Putra Dari Bapak Ahmad (Alm) & Ibu Siti
Pria was extremely nervous. He was afraid to expose his feelings to Wanita, but didn’t want to risk staying in the friend zone. So it was now or never! After all, Wanita was the one. "It was about time!" she said. It was...PERFECT!
They had taken overnight trips before, but this was their first huge vacations outside the USA. Wanita and Pria travelled to the Baltic region and visited a number of countries including Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Poland and Germany.
So how did Mark pop the question? On a Cruise ... off the shore ... of the Cayman Islands! (YES!) On their way down to dinner with the Ship's Captain, Mark's nerves got the best of him and he pulled Sarah back to the room and straight onto the balcony for the best proposal a girl could ask for!
Cipaisan, Purwakarta, Kab. Purwakarta, Jawa Barat
Cipaisan, Purwakarta, Kab. Purwakarta, Jawa Barat
Kehadiran serta doa restu Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i
merupakan suatu kehormatan & kebahagiaan kami.
a/n Bulan Binti Fulanah